Clean A Carpet as Good as New?

Clean A Carpet as Good as New?

At Handyman Services (London). carpets add aesthetic value to a space but are prone to stains and trap allergens. This guide provides comprehensive steps for both routine and deep cleaning to maintain your carpet’s appearance. Keep dirt and dust under control, with special attention to high-traffic areas and under furniture. Essential Supplies A vacuum, carpet-cleaning machine, baking soda, white vinegar,…

How to Plumb in a Washing Machine

How to Plumb in a Washing Machine

Property renovations and getting a new appliance is always exciting. But do you know what is not? Installing it! That’s what. Some household machines are pretty easy to set up, while others… You get the point. In this guide, Handyman Service Longon discusses the installation process of one of the more tricky ones – THE WASHING MACHINE.  Generally, there aren’t…

Landlords Or Tenants? Who’s Responsible For Bed Bug Infestations And Treatments.

Landlords Or Tenants? Who’s Responsible For Bed Bug Infestations And Treatments.

At Handyman Service London, we handle a lot of post and pre tenant properties and with the rise of cases we prepped this guide. It is a common practice in the UK to prepare detailed tenancy agreements, including a clause for pest infestations and whose responsibility it is when renting. However, it also greatly depends on several conditions. When it…